Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A New Beginning...

So, I once had an art blog....somewhere online.  This was several months ago, before real life took over and art took a backseat.  Either I forgot my sign in or my blog was matter, here is my new home for everything art and life!

I hope to share with everyone my newest art projects, creations, neat finds, and little tidbits here and there about my life.

Perhaps I can inspire someone or they can inspire me.  I am all about exchanging ideas, stories, art, ephemera and so on.

So, stay tuned, and why not follow while you're at it?


  1. Hi there,
    I am so pleased to meet you and can't wait to read more about your art journey!
    I am keeping posted.
    Happy blogging and how wonderful I am one of your first followers!!!!
    manonclarke from swap

  2. Me again. For some reason I can't follow you right now I will be back later!!!

  3. Hey there, looking forward to some updates!

  4. Hi thar! Welcome back to the blog life. Can't wait to see what's in store! :D. I shall be checking back!!!

    I am RyuLuna from Swap bot!

    Happy Holidays!

  5. Alright, I'm another one following from S-B, Make New Friends. Ilove discovering new blogs so looking forward to what you put on here. Make it with lots of pictures. Most artsy types are visuals. Hope you'll follow on mine:
    Coleen In Ukraine

  6. Hello,
    I am ladycregga from swap-bot! I love craft websites! Can't wait to see what you have in store ;-)

  7. I understand that feeling of losing logins in cyberspace. Good luck with your art blog. This is katielyn from swapbot.
